Kodi Nemunaitis-Monroe, NOAA Sea Grant Weather & Climate Extension Specialist Background: Ph.D., Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 2014 M.S. Meteorology, University of Oklahoma B.S. Meteorology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001 What She Does: Kodi oversees NOAA’s Coastal and Inland Flooding Observation and Warning (CI-FLOW) project. This research is aimed at predicting total water levels (rainfall + ...go to article
Posted - August 12, 2015
CIMMS at NSSL: Sebastian Torres
If he were to write his autobiography, the title of the book might be “From Gaucho to Cowboy”. Sebastian Torres grew up in Argentina, and earned his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in his native country. In 1997, he came to the University of Oklahoma, where he attained a Master’s degree in the same field. Opportunity came knocking when he was offered a position with OU’s ...go to article
Posted - July 19, 2015
CIMMS at NSSL: Darrel Kingfield
He’s been around the National Weather Center since 2007, but you might not know everything he’s been up to! Darrel earned his bachelor’s degree in 2006 from Purdue University. After college, he was outsourced to India (seriously!) before making his way to Norman and and the NOAA National Weather Service’s Warning Decision Training Branch (now Division) as a CIMMS employee in 2007. At WDTB, ...go to article