Radar Improvement Helps Forecasters to “See” Storms Better
Radars are a vital tool for weather forecasters because they provide a detailed picture of storms as they’re happening. A new radar technique is improving the picture for forecasters, helping them provide more accurate information about rain and snow storms.Developed by researchers at University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies supporting NOAA’s National Severe Storms ...go to article
Posted - February 14, 2019
Better Training Provides Forecasters Information for Better Decision Making
NOAA National Weather Service forecasters now have updated training available on demand to help them provide critical information when floods threaten the areas they serve.The NWS Warning Decision Training Division, also known as WDTD, recently updated the Warning Operations Course Flash Flood Track. Warning Operations Courses, or WOCs, are extensions to WDTD’s Radar & Applications Course — a rigorous ...go to article
Posted - January 25, 2019
Working Improve Forecast Models: Q&A With Temple Lee
The Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies at the University of Oklahoma is highlighting those CIMMS researchers outside the National Weather Center in Norman, Oklahoma.Temple Lee is a CIMMS research scientist based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where his work supports NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory’s Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division. Lee completed his doctorate from the ...go to article
Posted - November 13, 2018
OU Cooperative Institute Celebrates 40 Years of Innovative Research
NORMAN — The University of Oklahoma’s Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies celebrates 40 years of innovative severe weather research on November 15 at the National Weather Center. CIMMS, which began at the former engineering laboratory building 40 years ago, is the largest research organization at OU with nearly 200 employees and $19 million in annual research funding.“CIMMS ...go to article
Posted - November 12, 2018
Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going: CIMMS Set a Precedent 40 Years Ago and Continues Growing Its Mission
Numerical weather models, Doppler radar, quantified precipitation estimates. These are all words that can be heard within the National Weather Center, a building created to foster severe weather research and innovation. But what if entities within the building never existed?Brick and mortar house the largest research entity at the University of Oklahoma. The University of Oklahoma’s Cooperative Institute for ...go to article
Posted - October 02, 2018
More Research for Less: CIMMS Funded Project Utilizes 3D Tech
Low-cost weather sensors and 3D-printing technology may provide an alternative for research looking to make a big impact.University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies research associates are conducting a year-long data comparison of a low-cost weather station with an Oklahoma Mesonet site in Norman, Oklahoma.The CIMMS station measures temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric ...go to article