CIMMS was proud to be a part of the first Gab at the Lab celebration, signfiying our partnership with NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory. The event was held at the National Weather Center on Friday, September 11, 2015.
Gab at the Lab is a monthly meeting conducted by NSSL, which provides a platform for researchers to share their work with colleagues. Each presenter creates a five minute presentation that discusses their background and current projects. Typically, six individuals from across the Lab are invited to speak at each event. Because of CIMMS’ significant presence within NSSL, many of these presenters are CIMMS scientists as well.
A Gab at the Lab celebration is scheduled every third month to congratulate the team on a job well done. Randy Peppler, interim director of OU CIMMS, handed out performance awards at the September event. All award recipients gathered for a group photo, then everyone enjoyed time for fun, cake, and conversation. Thank you to everyone who joined us!