OU CIMMS Launches School-Aged Science Classes

The Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies at the University of Oklahoma is excited to announce the launch of the virtual learning experience, OU CIMMS Science Class. 

The videos are a compilation of science classes presented by OU CIMMS researchers. Each video features a short presentation and interactive experiment for school ages first grade through middle school. Topics include clouds, ingredients needed for severe weather, snow, hail, and graupel.

“We understand the plans many caregivers had for their children suddenly changed with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tanya Riley, co-lead for OU CIMMS Science Series. “OU CIMMS wanted to encourage children’s interest in weather while offering another resource for caregivers.” 

The series continues to grow. To submit a topic suggestion, or if you are an educator and want to request a “Meet a scientist” session, email cimms@nwc.ou.edu