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Kent Knopfmeier

Research Associate III

Kent is involved with two major research efforts at CIWRO/NSSL, the NOAA Warn-on-Forecast (WoF) project and the Hazardous Weather Testbed – Spring Forecasting Experiment (HWT-SFE). His WoF-related research includes serving as a co-developer and real-time run manager of the NSSL WoF System (WoFS), a prototype, storm-scale, ensemble data assimilation system designed to improve the prediction of hazardous weather phenomena, such as thunderstorm rotation, hail, high winds, and flash flooding. He has a multi-faceted role in the HWT-SFE, including managing the real-time flow and the archive of the various numerical weather prediction model data used during the experiment and facilitating the various activities completed. He also manages the daily NSSL-WRF and NSSL-MPAS runs.


2007, M.S. Purdue University, atmospheric science

2005, B.S. Purdue University, synoptic meteorology


2019-Present, Research Associate III, CIWRO, University of Oklahoma and the NOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), Norman, OK

2009-2016, Research Associate I, CIWRO, University of Oklahoma and the NOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), Norman, OK

Research Team(s):

Forecast, Assessment, and Social Science