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Awards Page

CIWRO researchers have received numerous awards recognizing their work. You can view these awards below.

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Megan Taylor

NOAA Team Member of the Month

Awarded for serving as a critical member of the National Weather Service Office of the Chief Learning Officer team.


David Harrison

American Meteorological Society 13th Symposium on Societal Applications: Policy, Research and Practice Student Competition First Place Winner

Awarded for the oral presentation, “Using Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Near-Term Severe Weather Trends”.


Montgomery “Monte” Flora

American Meteorological Society 29th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 25th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction Best Student Poster Presentation Award

Awarded for “Enhancing Storm-Scale 1-h Probabilistic Low-level Rotation Forecasts through Machine Learning”.


Sarah Borg

American Meteorological Society 15th Conference on Cloud Physics and the 15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation Best Student Oral Presentation

Awarded for “The Effects of Radiation on Tropopause Polar Vortices Over the Greenland Ice Sheet”.