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Awards Page

CIWRO researchers have received numerous awards recognizing their work. You can view these awards below.

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Brett Roberts

CIMMS Award for Oustanding Achievement in Research

Awarded for software development that has revolutionized the operational capabilities for post-processing and visualizing output from convection-allowing model.


CIMMS Researcher Alexander Ryzhkov and NOAA NSSL Researcher Dusan Zrnic

2019 Atmospheric Science Librarians International’s (ASLI’s) Choice Award

Awarded for “Radar Polarimetry for Weather Observations,” as the best book in the field of atmospheric science.


Hristo Chipilski

AMS PECAN Symposium Student Competition First Place Poster Presentation Winner


David Harrison

AMS’s 17th Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences Student Competition Second Place Oral Presentation Winner